It can be such a relief to talk,

whatever you are going through reach out today.

I am a BACP registered counsellor and psychotherapist. I help people experiencing emotional distress or personal difficulties explore their issues and find their way to live well.

Taking the time to understand your experiences.

Having landed on my website you’re likely curious about finding help to cope with and make sense of your emotional distress or personal difficulties.

I take the approach that there’s no such thing as there being something ‘wrong’ with a person. When we take time to understand our experiences and how we have adapted to survive we can begin to make sense and this can bring change.

In therapy we can explore what it is that is troubling you, how that’s showing up in your life now and what your needs are in order to live well – however that looks for you.

As each person is unique, so too will be the way we work together. I am an integrative psychotherapist which means that I am able to bring together elements of different therapeutic approaches to suit you, this includes humanistic, psychodynamic and cognitive behavioural therapy. These may be terms you’ve not heard of, you can find out more about this approach here ( Ultimately, the important thing is that we are able to work well together and that you feel able to share your thoughts and feelings freely without judgment. I do my best to ensure you are able to put trust in me and our work by offering a confidential, judgment-free space with warmth and respect.

What you can expect

It can be such a relief to have the space to talk honestly and openly with someone who isn’t going to give their opinion or tell you what to do. This is how speaking with a therapist is different to talking to friends or family, plus you don’t need to worry about my feelings!

After a free 15min consultation phone call, if we both feel that we can work together then I will offer you an appointment, this can take place either in person in my central Cardiff office or via online video call. Individual sessions are £55.

You will have 50mins per session and we tend to schedule sessions weekly. How long you need to attend for is up to you, typically eight to twelve sessions can be helpful, sometimes more or less. we’ll talk about what a good outcome might look like and you judge when feels like the right time to end.

To book your free 15 minute call get in touch via email or phone via the contact details below.

The space to talk openly and honestly.

Working sensitively at a pace that’s right for you.

Pregnancy, birth and beyond

I have in-depth knowledge and experience of working with people going through pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period, including baby loss, perinatal anxiety and depression and other perinatal mental health issues – I work sensitively and collaboratively to ensure we work at a pace that is right for you. I have come to this work through my own experiences which allows me to engage with empathy and curiosity, always acknowledging that each person’s experience is unique to them.

The covid-19 pandemic particularly caused an increase in distress for those experiencing pregnancy, birth and becoming a new parent during this time, therapy provides the space to deeply acknowledge what that has meant for you.

Maternity and birth workers

Having worked in the ‘birth world’ for over 10 years I’m more than aware of the challenges those working in this field may experience, I’m passionate about improving maternity services and for me that includes looking after the people in it. Therapy provides a space for you to reflect on your experiences and look after your needs.